- What have you gained from digging in your heels to get your point across?
- Have you gained the respect of people because you ALWAYS prove to be right?
This has been something that I personally have come to the realisation of how true this statement is. I have learnt to keep my emotions and thoughts in check when someone has a differing opinion to me. I quickly do a 'risk' assessment of what it will 'cost' for me to have the debate and what I have to lose or gain from this. On a scale of 1 to 10 how important is it that my point be heard? Obviously there are non negotiable topics where you need to ensure that the other party knows that your stand point is the one to be followed for instance in the case of children and disrespectful behaviour or perhaps unethical work practices in the workplace. Often the rest is really not as important as what we may first see. I also call this 'fighting the big battles' which is a whole other topic all together.
The constant need to be right will soon turn relationships sour and the only thing you gain is a reputation for being a know-it-all. Arrogance is not a trait that looks very good on anybody, children and adults alike.
Food for thought?