Wednesday, December 26, 2012

They're ok, they won't mind - when a good natured person is pushed over the edge

There are some wonderful people out in the world. You see them doing thankless work and regularly going above and beyond. Often the motivation is not for the thanks. But it's what happens when the thanks is forgotten? That is when the real problems begin. 

Matthew works in a team of people at work who all get along well. He has a good relationship with his boss and goes about his work, rarely calling on help but always diligently getting his work done, and going over and above. Because he is reliable and appears to be okay the only time his boss would call in on him would be to ask him to do an extra task or to bring correction. 
This occurred year after year, regardless of the extra work that he would do, Matthew was never considered for other opportunities and often overlooked when it came to recognition programs and watched many others promoted above him.

People have to be connected with what they are doing. Whether it is in work or life. It is important to human kind to feel gratitude for what they have contributed. Failing to say thank you or showing gratitude will gradually wear someone down and wear them out. Showing gratitude isn't always just about saying thank you. Many people will feel valued in different ways. Not unlike the 5 Love Languages (c) where each person has one particular way that you can show them 'love' in a way that speaks to them the loudest.  
Failing to do this in any setting can eventually lead to disconnectedness, bitterness and resentment for the person who has been used up and spat out. Whilst this was not the intent at all to make that person feel that way, it is in essence how a lack of gratitude can end up. Obviously the level of feelings varies depending upon someone's resilience and past experience. But you will find that left unattended a person's spirit and enthusiasm for what they do or contribute will soon shrivel up and no longer bear fruit. Similar to a flower bed, if cared for and given what it needs, it can create something beautiful but also something that can be enjoyed by others.

So what happened to Matthew? He lost his drive and trust in those he worked with. He became run down and suffered burn out. He began needing more days off work as his health suffered; He attended counselling to deal with the lack of self-confidence after the countless times people had been promoted ahead of him. It really became a life changing experience for him, and not in a good way. He had done a complete 180 degree turn on the person he started out to be at that workplace. 

But that's not everyone else's fault, why didn't he do something about it for himself? These are people who still have all the right tools and skills to be able to successfully navigate through situations like that, however it will only be able to sustain their self-motivation for so long. Then it will begin to run them down. Besides, taking advantage of someone's good nature or positivity is not okay. Just because someone has a smile on their face and works quietly away from the masses doesn't mean they don't need your support and gratitude. It is so important to recognise the little things, and the big things that a person contributes to your life or workplace. Find out what makes people tick; you will always get the best out of someone if you do.

Is there someone you need to say thank you to?