Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Self Awareness - Just a buzz word or a necessary skill?

How important is it to be aware of ones self?
There are so many people who have an opinion about you, so who do you listen to?
Is it important to remove the emotion from the feedback and genuinely hear what is being said about you. It isn't always nice to hear things about you that are unflattering or negative. But there are benefits if you respectfully listen and analyse what is being said, you will find that you will gain the respect of the person giving the feedback and gain some insight into yourself.

Many times in my life I have not listened to what others had in the way of feedback for me, or listened respectfully and walked away still thinking that I knew best. After frequently being overlooked for a position that I wanted, I decided that it was time to do something differently. I started to listen, and I mean really listen. I even sought out a colleague who I knew really didn't like to me hear what they had to say about me and how I was perceived.

I listened respectfully and heard what they had to say, and although there was a lot of very hurtful things said, I did not get my defences up but listened and tried to compartmentalise how I could improve what I do, or how I could do things better. You will not always be able to please everyone, and I do not suggest even trying. This will only lead to much frustration and hard work, not to mention a near impossibility.

Now I find that I use my intuition to be able to seek out opportunities for growth. I often sense there is something just not right with a person or a relationship with me, then I go to them and seek feedback starting with my intuitive observations. Never underestimate the power of your intuition.
There are many opportunities for self analysis and awareness. Ask people what you did right in any situation, ask what you could have done better too. Don't shy away from opportunities, face them head on.
I know that I am the following things:
  • A control freak
  • Seen as someone who is a suck up to superiors
  • A little bossy
  • Not perfect and will never be
  • Not good with things that require attention to detail
These are just a few of my learnings. What will yours be?
Some of them are fact, and some are perception. The trick is awareness, so you can work to your strengths and make sure you manage how you deal with situations that arise where those areas, like those above, could be a barrier.
We all know people who lack self awareness. You're probably thinking of about 3 people right now that could do with a jolt of awareness. You don't want to be on someone else's list.
Remember: Big mountains are hard to climb, but the view is GREAT!

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