Thursday, November 21, 2013

When you realise you 'fit'!

Life can be tough. There are challenges thrown at you. Some of them you have control over, but many of them you do not. 

What makes dealing with these challenges more difficult is being in a job that is not the right fit. We have all been in jobs like that, and not necessarily because you aren't capable of the work either. We all possess skills that enable us to do different types of work. But these jobs don't help us get out of bed in the morning or feed our soul. 

What's incredible is the way it so subtly affects the rest of your life. It's not until it changes that you realise how it slowly wears you down. Coming against opposition, working in a culture that doesn't match your values, doing work that is not valued, not being challenged, and not being able to effect change can all be symptoms of being in wrong job. 

It is best described as being a square peg in a round hole. You just don't fit. You can try to shift position, push really hard, even try and approach it a different way, but nothing changes the fact that you are simply not a match for that round hole. 

Recently I have noticed that a change in my work situation changed my mood and my life. I had quickly realised that I had a passion for social media. The work that I was doing when I came to that realisation was definitely not a match, in fact I couldn't even look at social media from my work or phone throughout the day. This passion caused me to look outside of my work to fill the hole to give me what I needed to feel balanced and find that passion again. I found how my passion could fill a need at our local sports clubs and volunteered to create and maintain a suite of social media accounts for them. 

PERFECT! So now I am feeling like I am really doing something. But still not enough, I wanted to be able to work in this field so I needed to make myself more marketable to work that might come up in that area. I sought out a course that gave me qualifications in the field. This further stirred my desire to find somewhere I would 'fit'. 

Through making contacts and marketing myself as an asset to any digital communications team, it finally happened!!! 

Yes............I found a square hole!

Not just any square hole! A job which meets my occupational needs, and my personal needs (work-life balance). I am amazed at the difference in my life and how it affected my mood and my family life. The people I work with are trusting, friendly and supportive of what I do. Very blessed.

It didn't come easy and this process has taken about 18 months to find that fit! But it is worth it. You can't give up when you realise you don't fit. 

Sometimes you have to make tough decisions and put yourself out there, because trying to get into a round hole is going to hurt more than hunting for that spot where its not uncomfotable to 'FIT'!

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